Orant Charities Mudzi Gala 2023

Mudzi means village.
Please us join for the 2023 Orant Mudzi Gala, celebrating the one global village that unites us all.
Together, we can make a sustainable impact in Malawi, Africa.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
7:00 P.M.
Perot Museum of Nature and Science
2201 N Field St, Dallas
Join us at the Orant Mudzi Gala and have an unforgettable night at the Perot Museum! All proceeds will benefit essential, life-changing programs in Malawi.
Your Mudzi Experience will include:
- Exclusive after-hours access to the entire museum
- Predinner cocktails and hors d’oeuvres
- A three-course gourmet dinner
- Open bar service
- Live auction, games, and raffle prizes
- Complimentary VIP parking at the museum
Cocktail attire.
Orant Charities Mudzi Gala 2023
Date and Time
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
7:00 PM - 11:55 PM CDT
September 23, 2023
7 PM to 12 AM
Perot Museum of Nature and Science
2201 N Field St, Dallas, TX 75201
Tickets are $200 per person
Contact Information
Erin Hearn
Send Email